What you feel is life, what you live is another story.

Tag: Sex (Page 2 of 2)

Why Does It Feel Good to Enter a Woman? {Mature}

Hey guys, do you want to know why it feels so good to enter a woman?

Nope.  It’s not that.  That’s your high school penis talking.  It’s that type of boys’ locker room bullshit that has us falling in the mud as men.  It’s why we can find ourselves, years after we began our journey, still spinning our wheels almost at the exact place we started. So stop living in the past and start honoring the man you are now. It’s time we start listening to the women in our lives.

Scary thought, I know.  Most of us guys aren’t taught to listen.  It’s time we start to learn. It’s difficult and it goes against our grain, but if we don’t a whole world of possibilities just passes us by.  We lose far more than we gain by being the “men” we were taught to be, and I am one who is sick of losing.

So, what’s the answer?  Why does it feel so good to enter a woman?  (drum roll please)…

Wait for it…

It’s coming (sometimes too soon)…


Well, not to be a party-pooper with some metaphysical stuff, but the reason it feels so good to enter a woman is because, in actuality, she is entering us (Collective groans from the audience expecting a micro-porn instead).  Seriously, next time you go to rock the van with your woman, slow down.  Just as you go to enter her, really slow down.  Pay attention to every nanosecond, every small moment as you take your time fully connecting.  See how you feel.  Recognize it.  Listen.

There, in that place, you will feel it.  As that part of you slides into her (hopefully, if you’ve done your part, it slides with little effort) you will recognize the truth of what I am saying. While you are entering her she is, in fact, entering you.

Entering your heart.  Your soul.  Your entire Being.  She fills you up, and takes you places you’ve never been.  You both ride the wave, and you both end up exhausted mounds of flesh on the shore.  In the end, though, you will say to whatever Universe you talk to in your moments alone, “damn, that Tom sure knows what he is talking about.  I need to buy his book.”

Remember that sentiment.  The book is coming, and your business is appreciated. However, the most pressing business at hand is to understand that sex is not just something you do to get off, it is something you to do experience a gift you cannot experience otherwise.  Love.  God.  Whatever you call it.

When I see that picture of God as an old man with a rod in his hand, I often think that God isn’t the old man at all.  God is the rod.  The old man simply knows how to use it, and for that knowledge he gets painted all over the world and is worshiped beyond measure. So, learn how to use the rod and be worshiped.  Not by the world, but by YOUR world. Her. The woman.  The one who shows you who you are when no one else can.

That’s what real intimacy brings you. Not only does it bring you connection and love, it also brings you the best sex you’ve ever had.


The Short Story of a Simple Truth

He just knew.

If anyone asked him why he was in love with her, he simply replied “I just am.”  If someone asked him how he was able to deal with the distance between them he would reply, “I just do.”  When his friends wondered how he could deal with the weeks between seeing her he simply shrugged and said, “I just can.”

His replies had become simple over the years.   When they began he would describe elaborately to all who would listen how much he loved this woman.  He’d demonstrate his loyalty for all who would watch, and he would get into long discussions describing his love for her when he was challenged.  There was no doubt in anyone he knew that he loved her, and that he was her man, and he liked it that way.

He had mellowed over the years.  Soon the distance between them would close, and the time between visits would be nil.  They had been committed to each other for a number of years now, and the years had converted what were rough seas into calm waters.  She had healed him and, in some respects, they had healed each other.  Now this man and this woman walked together in ways many would never know, many times simply to be with each other in a moment that would become eternity.

His once elaborate protestations of love were his truth.  He had never known such passion for another human being.  He felt something when he saw her.  He knew all he need to know when he was with her.  He needed nothing when in her arms and asked for nothing in their moments of passion.  He felt her in every breath and saw her in the beauty all around him.  In their moments apart, he could feel her hold him in the pink-hued clouds of a summer sunset.  He could hear her whisper to him in the sounds of a running stream.  He would smile at the thought of seeing this or that with her, and would vow to bring her to these places in their moments together.  He wanted her to see his world and to know him through these things. Once she was there with him he could revisit these places in her absence and remember.

Once he feared.  He feared her and in giving himself to her.  He fought her, and she fought him right back.  He tested her, and she refused to accept the test.  She was not them, she was beautiful and smart and everything he needed.  The nightmares and demon-voices would warn him and he would react, and she would fight him hard.  He hated those voices, and he hated the terrors they brought to him.  He knew the truth, and he wanted to believe.

Then he resolved to embrace the truth and own it.  He stood firm and fought back against the onslaught of fear and insecurity.  This time instead of fighting him, she was fighting next to him, like a warrior princess alongside her prince standing with their backs against the wall ready to win or die trying.  It was in this battle that they found each other, and where that unbreakable bond of trust and love was made whole.  He learned he could trust and have faith in her without question and she learned of his incredible strength and resolve in love despite facing the haunting face of his own demons.

When the dust settled they were standing there, hand in hand with their lips embracing each other tenderly.  There they found freedom, and there she taught him more than he had ever learned.  He proved to her the depth of his love for her, and for her that meant the world.  He would never steal from her who she was but would instead stand guard and protect her without question.  He would not control her, he would fiercely protect her independence.  He would never need ask her for a thing, for she would freely give of herself to the man she loved without worry and without question.  The Yin and the Yang met there, where they stood, and that was enough for the Universe to sing loudly.

From then on, when someone asked him why he was in love with her, he would simply reply “I just am.”  When someone asked him how he dealt with the distance between them, he simply replied “I just do.”  When someone asked him how could deal with the weeks that spanned between their moments together he simply replied, “I just can.”  They were simple answers, particularly for this man so known for his elaborate responses.

Yet they were elaborate to him.  They were very detailed in describing the indescribable.  They described the gratitude he had for the gift that was her.  They described the salvation he found in a woman so strong that she not only fought him but fought for him.  Those simple replies encompassed an eternity of emotion and a never-ending spring of love within him.  He couldn’t describe any of this to them, and he felt no need to anymore.  Instead, he would hold his tongue and find her.  There he would hold her, kiss her, touch her and make love to her in a way that fully described how he felt.  Their eyes would speak a language no one else spoke, and their bodies would dance to a song no one else heard.  It did not matter to them here in that place where they stood, where they laid, where they danced together in unending ecstasy.  They had found each other and they were present in the moment they had created.  All else had ceased to exist.

In their lives they had found a short story of a simple truth.  Their entirety, their Universe, and the enormity of who they were could be found in three simple words they never failed to speak to each other.  “I love you.”  Those words righted a world that had once gone mad.  Those words solidified a truth that spanned a million moments.  Those words rang true for the eternity they described and the Universe they created.  They lived it, they breathed it, and it became everything.

Her Eyes (Love’s Warrior Series)


He could smell the moment he had waited so patiently for.  It seemed like a lifetime ago he first had looked into her eyes.  Those ivory-circled pools of beauty had captured him, and as he dove deep into their magic he found something he had not expected.  He found Love.  He found clarity.  He found Himself.

His life was not one that suggested these things were possible.  He could feel the scars inflicted in his time, and they reminded him of moments when those eyes would not have stopped him.  His mind would wander in the moments that had led up to this, to the very moment when he knew who he was.  Those wounds would sometimes cause him to scream out in pain.  Other times they would cause him to recoil in anticipation.  Still others the reaction was a simple reminder that each rose has a thorn and that each pool of beauty had a depth that could drown even the heartiest of swimmers.  There was nothing simple about that reminders in actuality, they created the reaction he could not control.  Much like the swimmer drowning he would lash out uncontrollably, often attacking his rescuer in the most horrible of ways.  He could not control himself in those moments of fear.  He was drowning, and he was unconscious of his actions beyond survival.

She had hung on.  She would subdue him in these moments.  Sometimes her rescue would come in the form of letting him struggle until he was too tired to struggle anymore.  In others she would turn her back on him and head to her shore.  He would reach out to her in those moments and she would always take his hand.  In other times she would fight him and they would find themselves bloodied and bruised but in each other’s arms, safe and secure.  It must have been a sight to behold for her as her Warrior struggled with unseen demons and irrelevant wounds in what would be an otherwise serene place to bathe.  Yet, she had her own demons and her own wounds, and they often showed themselves in ways he would respond to.  He would fight them with her.  He would cradle her in his arms in the darkness.  He would stand by her regardless of which demon suggested the knife she carried was meant for him.  Another moment in her arms would be worth the wound and much, much more.

He looked up from his memory into those eyes.  The familiar surge ran up his spine.  He had long stopped trying to describe this surge to her.  It felt something like a mixture of immense strength and complete weakness.  His body would stand firm and his knees buckled. His heart would find a clarity even as his mind became a cloudy mess.  His Soul would settle into a calmness even as his heartbeat and breathing quickened.  He had resigned himself to a complete inability to describe this moment until he settled on the simple word that seemed indescribable Itself:


Yes, this was Love for him.  It was the Kingdom of God he might never have seen if not for those eyes.  It was the Garden of Eden he was cast out of when he became ashamed of his nakedness.  It was the realization that of the million lifetimes he had felt course through his moments this one exposed the Truth of truths.  Love is beautiful.  Love is peaceful.  Love is the moment you realize you are not the sum of your experiences, you are the realization of the moment.  As the surge invaded his Being there were no scars.  There were no memories.  There was only here and there was only now.  Here and now had him lost in her eyes unable to remember that time or this space.

As their hands grasped for each other all ideas of separation vanished as the heat rose within them.  He could feel her Soul speak to him and guide him to those places he simply had to go.  There were no barriers, no walls, just two Souls merging into One complete understanding.  There were no words needed, no guidance required as they explored their desire in perfect harmony with one another.  It was here they knew the perfection of the Universe.

They kissed passionately and breathed in each other’s essence as their bodies betrayed the rising desire building within them.  The room faded from their awareness as only they mattered in the moment.  Clothing disappeared as did any inhibitions their pasts had taught them.  They teased each other’s bodies, they played a tune unique to their own set symphony.  She would taste him and he her in sheer delightful ecstasy.  His mouth became her tool, her’s his as they took each other to places never seen by either.  Her wetness surrounded him as she took his hardness in.  They would dance a dozen dances to a hundred beats climaxing too many times to count along the way.  Finally he would explode as he gazed into her eyes, knowing she had exploded as well.

They would collapse in each other’s arms having given all of themselves to one another.  This is where God’s home truly could be found – in the arms of a lover who had given so freely of herself that nothing else existed but that Gift.  Her moans were the Angels singing, their movement the perfection of the Universe.  This moment was the Big Bang.  It was a moment when everything was created and a new Universe showed Itself.  As he searched for her eyes she looked into his.  Tears disguised as beads of sweat flowed freely from his eyes as his hand found hers.  He stared into beautiful ivory-rimmed pools of eternity knowing where he was.  He felt renewed, and could feel the surge begin again in his spine.  Actually, it had never gone.  It was like a constant glow that became more intense as her eyes looked deep into him and pulled out the once-forgotten beauty that resided there.  He wasn’t drowning, he was saved, and as he leaned in to touch her lips with his he could sense he had found a place he never wanted to leave.

He was home.


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