What you feel is life, what you live is another story.

Tag: past

Moments Like This

Just remember for a moment.

Remember the last time you were left holding onto a hope that had long since dimmed. Words shared of things to come, of dreams to be realized and of promises to be kept were tossed into the fires of Forever Lost. Just remember the silence and feel the dread of the space now left beside you. Pause with that memory for a while.

Remember the last time you felt safe in an embrace and certain that there’d be another. There was once a trust in such consistency, a trust now dashed in words both spoken and unspoken, in promises both made and left broken. Remember the minutes where the ether grew cold around you as the hurt burned deep within you. Relive the moments where nothing made sense.

Remember the last time you heard the truth. There were moments when you could trust both the word and deed of your heart, moments that have since faded into memory. Now, remember the moment when you lost all things that anchored you into the joy of your reality.

Yes, please, just remember for a moment. Remember, though, for a moment only.

It is true we have suffered, each of us. We have made mistakes and we’ve had mistakes made upon us. We’ve walked lonely roads and whispered the saddest songs. We have risen, roaring a fierce determination that “this too, shall pass.” We’ve been the wretch and we’ve been saved. We were once lost but now are found.

Now forget, dear soul, all of those memories. Forget all of the broken shit you’ve seen scattered about your fields. Focus on this moment. We were made for moments like this, and it deserves our full attention.

Stand With Me

Please stand with me, and enjoy this summit of understanding. See what is around us and in front of us. Possibility stretches beyond the horizon, past the blue sky, and well into the depths our understanding. While there is no guarantee we shall embrace all of it, we are sure to have this moment, found in this spot and felt in this this space. Once we know what we have now we can then seek what is possible.

Nothing behind us matters, and nothing in front of us has been decided. What we have is a moment between two dates, a speck of time between here and there, and the power to choose paths of destiny. We can pick which path we take and then can choose to enjoy the journey.

Now I lay under the stars and seek your voice among the embers of memory that dot my evening sky. The cold north wind caresses my skin and awakens the wolf within me. I’ve once sought my solitude and fought for its mercy. Now, I seek my pack and those who will stand beside me as the winter tickles at my soul. I pray such beings exist, and that there will be a warm fire to share when everything around us freezes over. While nothing in our midst is for the faint of heart, we are not such beings. We have lived. We have fought for our survival and we are here to tell the story.

It is in moments like this, when we can lay warm even in the harshest snows, that are born in the pains of hell. It is a hell we need not bring here, but it is a hell that should give us pause to honor where we are.


The Twenty Tens, A Decade of Wild Change

The Twenty Tens were a decade of wild change, wild discovery and wild growth. The old normal turned into the new normal, and what seemed certainty was replaced by a certainty that nothing ever is. I’ve learned a lot over the last ten years and for that I am grateful.

A disclaimer. Although I will post this before year officially ends, be certain that I’m not counting my chickens before they hatch. If the Twenty Tens have taught me anything, it is to never count on what is not yet real and to never believe something has happened before it does.

Although a little faith has never hurt anyone. A valuable lesson learned.

The decade started out normally enough. I was married with children, living in a nice home in Southern New Jersey. I can remember ringing in the New Year with the banging of pots and pans, a few kisses and hugs and the normal amount of forgetting to write “2010” on my checks instead of “2009”.

Everything seemed wonderful. As so it was.

There Must be a Fire for the Phoenix to Rise from the Ashes

As I’ve said, the Twenty Tens were a decade of wild change.

Within a couple of years the company I worked for would declare bankruptcy and I would be getting a divorce. My life crumbled around me and I wanted out. My walk to end it all didn’t end as planned, but that is a story for another day.

I would rise and survive, learning to peel away the layers of shit I’d wrapped around me. I threw away the stench of my childhood and the behaviors that went with them as I created a new code to live by.

A couple of years later I would have two near-death experiences. The first was heart related, the second brain related. That was a remarkable metaphor for what needed to change in my life. My heart needed to heal and to open; my brain needed to stop dwelling in the past and future. There was so much to enjoy right now.

In the moments that culminated in what has been termed a “miraculous recovery” I fell in a deep love affair with me.  For the first time in my life I loved myself. It was a gift of love that spawned from loss and a lesson in life born from nearly dying.

There must be a devastating fire if the Phoenix is to rise from the ashes.

Wild Change – A Big Move

Less that a year later I would be fulfilling a deep desire to live in Colorado. Miracles all fell into place to see that happen but the long and short of it is that my ex and my youngest kids moved here too. I was working 4 jobs in New Jersey at the time and had no idea what I would be doing once I moved to Colorado. All I knew was that I needed to be here.

With some sadness, I turned in my firefighting gear and said goodbye to a 25-year passion. With joy, I sold most of my possessions, loaded up a moving truck, and left my home State of over 40 years. I left the beach, friends, family and all I knew to venture into an area I had only visited, where I knew no one and had no history. All I knew for certain was that I heard a voice inside me that told me this had to happen and that it would be all good. I trusted that voice.

Within a couple of weeks I had a job in insurance, obtained the required licensing, and had made a few acquaintances. Mostly, though, I began to challenge my body on the trails and began to really know myself in the mountains. The voice had been right, and I’ve trusted it ever since.

The realization of the desire to live here has given rise to a blossoming I only once dreamed of, and a continuation of the recovery I have seen my entire life.

A Great Love

That blossoming has led me to a great love. I’ve been blessed to watch my children grow to wonderful teenagers. I’ve been blessed to see my oldest find herself in her 20’s. All three are wonderfully powerful presents who teach me daily about life. Their smiles raise me, their challenges pain me, but mostly their individuality inspires me.

I am truly a blessed man even in my imperfections. Check that. Especially in my imperfections.

The blossoming also led me to my heart’s mate who, ironically, lived back where I moved from. I believe I was destined to move here and I believe she was too, for we as kindred souls move well among the wildflowers and the breathtaking views. The words we translate from our souls speak the same language, and we compliment each other quite well.

What a great space we now share.

I’ve seen the power of a wild moose, walked paths with elk, hiked alongside chipmunks, told stories to mountain goats above the treeline and felt the energy of native peoples course through my soul. I’ve share an embrace where I once walked alone and shared visions with the unseen that walk beside me. In those rare moments when I pause to look behind me I cannot fathom from where it was I came.

A lost child is a securely found adult and a wounded heart beats strongly. This once-tired soul has found its second wind. What once seemed impossible is now a daily experience, and what once bore wounds into my heart are now-forgiven memories.

What a great love it is.

Beyond Today – More Wild Change?

I honestly have no idea what is to come but I am excited to find out. The Twenty Tens certainly proved to be a decade of wild change. I can’t wait to see what this new decade brings.

I know what I hope to accomplish and I know what I’d like to see. Yet, for all my wants I realize that