Author: tomgrasso (Page 6 of 38)
Do I trust you?
Asked the moth to the Flame.
Of course…
there is no choice in the matter.
What secrets are hidden
Within the flickers of Light
That have captured my Soul
And changed my life forever?
What stories will my mind create
As I dance around this open Fire
Never to be lost again?
I hold my breath as I dive headlong in
Never sure of the outcome
Never asking for a reprieve
Only trusting, loving, wanting, burning.
I am consumed whole
A moth no more, the flame resounds
There is nothing left of me
The identity gets transformed.
I give myself to You, the Light
As an offering to what is to be
Hold me…take me…do to me what You will
The “me” becomes “We”
The “I” becomes “Us”
The dance ceases its solo act
As the Fire consumes me completely.
Love is all that remains.
Embraced it all
Let go of nothing
Tested muster in a winter’s storm.
Closed off it all
Held on to nothing
Betrayed in a holy melancholy.
It was you.
Fought the demon’s song
It was all a ruse
Lying to me as if it was real.
I feel a shiver
Just at the thought of your touch
Now that is a fine reality!
It is you.
Gone is the shroud of tyranny
Left is the open song of Love
To be sung in its own free time.
I King, to you Queen,
Walk the Lion and the Tigress
Together because they want to be.
It is us.
Somewhere past the pillowy white clouds,
Beyond the horizon and deep within the setting Sun,
You will find me.
Waiting for your kiss, longing for your embrace,
Daring the confines of space and time to stop me.
They will fail, and I shall be yours again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
I will be better,
Once the dust has settled,
I will have been tested,
Once the coast is clear.
I will be stronger,
Once the fog has been lifted.
I will be yours,
When you open your arms.
I would walk
A hundred miles alone,
Just to spend,
A minute with you.
I would fight,
A million demons to hold you
I would forget,
A billion thoughts to be true.
I will know truth,
When the answer is made clearer.
I will see hope,
When I can hear the church bells toll.
I will feel Love,
When surrounded by passion,
I will know it all,
Lying next to you.
I’ll never be the same
I’ve been forever changed
Because I’ve known you.
I will never see the Ocean
The way I used to.
Because I’ve known you.
I will never see the Sun rise above the waves
Or see the light glisten in the distance
Without thinking of you.
I’ll never hear the birds
Quite the same way again
I will never wake up in the morning and hear their sweet song
Without remembering your presence
And how it felt to be there
Near you.
I’ll never write a poem
And feel the same way again
For words will be filled with memories of you
And of my hopes for just a moment more
I will never write a feeling in my life again
Without hoping you feel it too.
Because I’ve known you
My life is forever changed,
My dreams are forever altered,
My hopes are forever different.
I will never again be the same
Because I’ve known you.
I can’t imagine moments
Without you on my mind
I see you smile each and every time
I close my eyes.
I hear your voice everywhere
Reminding me I’ve been forever changed.
I used to think of mountains in all their majesty,
And now I see the Mountain that is me
The moment we embraced,
I knew that I never wanted to let go
And that I’d die in that embrace a 100 years later
If you’d have me.
I’ve been forever changed
Because I’ve known you.
I will never be the same.
I cannot lie
It all becomes simple when faced with the Truth.
I love you.
I am silly.
I can be stupid.
I can be stubborn.
But I love you.
I am forgetful.
I can be blind.
I can be mindless.
Have I told you I love you?
I am true.
I am sure.
I am where I want to be.
Because I love you.
I am strong.
I am ready.
I am yours.
And I love you.
I was wrong.
I am right (now).
Please forgive me.
I love you.
And Now…
And even Now…
Guess what?
I love you.
I have failed,
Or so it feels.
To have walked in such intense Sunlight,
Makes the shadows feel so cold.
So now I wonder…
I have lost,
Or so it feels.
To have felt so blessed in the light of Love,
Makes its absence so blinding.
So now I stumble…
I am falling,
Or so it feels.
To have tread such steady ground only to feel it shudder,
Makes the Mountains seem to crumble.
So now I look…
I look up to the Heavens,
And ask the Universe for some air,
For I am a drowning man unsure of anything outside his Heart,
Now just looking for some reality in the dream.
I scream out to the Horizon,
And ask Her to speak to me,
Just whisper in my ear,
And tell me stories like those She used to tell.
For now I am thinking,
Or so it feels.
The mind goes round and round like an avalanche,
Taking with it all ability to know.
So now I lay unsure…
I am doubting,
Or so it feels.
Not out of a want to but simply in the absence of what once appeared so easily,
Which for now has disappeared.
So now I simply crumble.
It is true I am but a man,
The blood that once carried me through Hell,
Now bends me at my knee to this absence.
And I feel alone.
Not alone in the sense I used to walk,
As joyful as a wolf in the midst of winter,
But rather as a Lion who has fallen for a Tigress,
Who no longer hears Him roar.
So now I am just a humbled cat,
Missing what he thought was paradise,
Gone into a shell reserved once for the worst of him.
Hopeful..faithful…loyal to the end.
It is nothing he demands of his Lover,
He makes no such demand nor wants Her sympathy.
He simply wants to know.
More than his thoughts want to tell him.
What has happened to the air he breathed?
Where has all the Sunshine gone?
Did the Earth suddenly change its rotation?
Did the tides suddenly shift their direction?
What has changed?
There are…things.
Things that create other things,
Ideas that create other ideas,
Suffering that creates other suffering,
Beauty that creates other beauty,
Passion that creates passion,
Contentment that creates contentment.
Love just allows it all to be.
Love steps back and watches the experience.
It doesn’t judge, It doesn’t question,
It simply stays true to Itself in perfect harmony.
Love stands true, ready for your acceptance,
Never pleading, never trying,
Just ready…Just willing…Just able.
Love seeks to share Itself
Even in the midst of the fear that hides It.
Love is not withdrawn
Even in the midst of the anger that temporarily rises above It.
Love is not phony, or fake, or lost
Even when the darkest hour approaches.
Love can be counted on,
It comes to the aid of those in need without condition,
Love can be trusted and forgiving,
It breathes, It caresses, It demands acceptance.
Love does not vanish into the abyss,
Rather it lights up the corridors of our minds.
Love does not feel pressure in the suffering of a beloved,
It seeks to comfort, console, confide.
Love does not demand Its freedom
For It can never be imprisoned.
Love simply holds us in Its hands
And shows us the way to pure ecstasy.
The Sun has no charm this morning
The Stars give way to nothingness
The birds sing no songs of enchantment
The rain has not washed away a thing
I just sit wishing.
This, too, is just a thing
It will pass as did the time
I took flight and sailed above the clouds
Thinking I would never touch the ground again
I just sit hoping.
That this sleepless night is over
That I’ll move beyond the boundaries of my mind
Into the realms shared by gods and sinners alike
Touching, kissing, loving, forgetting
I just sit praying.
That your fragrance never escapes my senses
That the feel of your hand in mind will never just be a memory
That we will understand and believe
In this, in each other, in what makes us who we are
I just sit wanting.
The pieces of a puzzle do not look exact,
Yet they fit to make a whole as the picture becomes clearer,
Still, I surrender this moment while praying I share this cup with you
In a warm embrace of the Heart
I just sit waiting.