Though the words have not come easily for me lately, my heart demands these be written.
I love you.
In the end, what else matters? In the end, though the space besides me is empty, the space within me feels you everywhere. In the end, though the room around me lays silent, the room within me is filled with sounds of you. In the end, though the words have not flowed easily, my heart bleeds words of you with every beat.
That is the beauty of things for us. Now I want to sleep for I’ve always held you there. Now I close my eyes, for I’ve always seen you in the darkness. Now I offer myself to Hypnos, for she’s always let me kiss you throughout the night.
If, by some chance, I am fortunate enough to wake I can only pray I’m better tomorrow than I was today. I can only wish upon my waking breath that you feel me, and that you know that a man loves you beyond all stories of his mind and above each rung of his misgivings. The miles seem uncountable, but the truth is you’ve always been the closest thing I’ve known.
If waking is not part of the plan, I will have departed this world knowing love in its fullest way. I will have tasted something wonderful on your lips, and I will have felt an amazing grace in the eyes of this soul’s mate. You are Paradise found in the midst of hell, and as I have already walked on the plains of heaven beside you, I am not certain of what would be left for me beyond.
I have been to this mountaintop, and I have seen the promised land. I may never get there, but the sight of it demands my loyalty. The love within me demands my respect, and you…well you will always have my commitment as long as you want it. There can be no other.
Good night and know this writer pens his words from a place few can ever know, from a place you have touched and a place where you have carved your name forever. I wish I had more to offer.