She woke me with her mouth
I stirred
Growing in that moist embrace
Hardening in the moment
Finding her desire in my own.
She took me to her sacred places
I followed
Trusting in her loving guidance
Finding truth in her oasis
Realizing heaven in the rush of mindful pleasure.
I entered her – deeply and without reservation
She surrendered
Accepting love in our embrace
Reaffirming truth in each thrust of our intentions
In each moan, in each scream, in each testament of our hearts.
The pace quickened in the Divine instruction
She listened
Taking me to the brink of insanity
Showing me what’s beyond that glorious ledge
But never allowing me to take that holy plunge.
The tsunami broke free from the horizon
We came
We jumped together, took the plunge to heaven’s gate
We lit the darkness as one mighty flame
And in that space revered a new universe was born.
Wow. ♡
I can’t stop reading that first paragraph. Sometimes the simplest words can provoke the strongest emotions.
Even in my singularity something in me lives this. Thank you Beloved Tom! <3